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Sheila Cuneo

Sheila Cuneo has been teaching music for the past thirteen years in the Windham School

District. She began teaching at the Windham Middle School as the chorus director and

music appreciation instructor. She was also the director for the Select Choir. During her

tenure at the Middle School, she also directed four musicals and was the vocal coach for

most of the musical productions throughout her time there.. In 2012, Sheila moved to the

High School where she is currently the Director of Choirs and teacher for all the music

electives, including guitar, piano, music and media, percussion and music theory. She has

also been vocal coach for the musicals, including the Phantom of the Opera, which was the

production the year before she joined the staff at Windham High School. Since then she has

enjoyed working closely with the drama director in both rehearsal and performance. The

WHS Choir has had the opportunity to travel to New York where the students participated in a workshop with Dr. Cindy Bell from Hofstra University. We continued on into New York City where students were part of a Broadway workshop with Broadway actor and singer, Jason Forbach who later performed in a lead roll of Les Miserables'. Currently, the WHS choir is planning an exciting trip to Canada where they will perform for the Mayor of Quebec and the Governor of Montreal. They will also have a special performance in the Basilica De Notre Dame in Quebec.

Outside of Sheila's teaching responsibilities, she has been a member of several different community and church choirs throughout the state performing as both soloist and choral director. She has also taught both flute and voice privately. In 2004, she had the opportunity to perform with the St. Anne's Choir of Hampstead by special invitation at a High Mass in the Vatican City, Rome. She also performed as soloist in the Santa Maria Church, Rome, Italy during that same trip. She has also coached several students who have earned their way into both Jazz and Classical All-State Festivals.

Next meeting:

March 6, 2025

6:00 PM, WHS Media Center

All are welcome!

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